Wednesday, October 17, 2007


This week we learned how to make and contribute to wikis. Inspight of my rampant computer phobia, I actually enjoyed this assignment. The only thing I don't really like about wikis is that since the technology and the way you create the wiki is really fussy, you could really mess up someones page even if you weren't meaning to; Never mind if you actually wanted to. I guess its redeeming that they have the page where you can see all the different times the site's been edited. That way, if someone messes something up, you can easily go back to an older setting.
I think that when you're making a wiki if they made the buttons and stuff function like microsoft word it would be a lot easier to use... I'm not saying they would need to have all the options that word does, but just if it worked a similar way. All the tables and the pictures on my website got confusing. I would accidentally delete them while trying to do something else.
I could definitely see it being really useful though in the classroom setting. I think its a great idea.

I can see how it could be useful, and I don't doubt that it would be a good idea to have one, but it is so complicated. And the kicker is, my dad owns his own company and when he heard I was taking a computer literacy class, offered to pay me to make him a website. There is NO FREAKIN WAY thats going to happen. I've never been this flustered with trying something on the computer. I'm not good with them, but I can usually get around, its like French to me. I can usually muddle through a conversation and I can find out where the bathroom is, but this is like being dropped off in a French university in a 4000 level course and being expected to handle all the information.

Wish me luck. Today I'm trying to figure this webpage stuff.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Skipped week 7 by permission

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Better late than never, right?

Its been a long time coming, but the results from my learning styles quiz are finally in! I am an ACTIVE LEARNER. My number was an 11 on that one, not at all moderate, nope, not me. And also, I am an INTUITIVE LEARNER. Again, an 11. But I'm moderately visual, (a 3) and a INTENSELY MODERATE Global learner (a 1). It didn't really tell me a whole lot I didn't know. I guess I didn't realize that Global/Sequential was a type of learning.

Today we learned to use the internet, which I didn't find that useful. I did learn a lot of cool stuff about the internet though. I learned the difference between web 2.0 and the origional web. I think its pretty cool to think that we've evolved from actual programs and things to having the programs be on the internet. I thought the O'Riley website had an interesting comparison between the new internet and the old internet.

I also thought it was cool that the Internet and the web were two different things back in the old days. And although I figured the internet was invented by the government to facilitate blowing stuff up/keep us from getting blown up, but I didn't realize it happened in '69. Wow. Thats early. I was surprised.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Concept Maps?!

First, I would just like to say that I am very happy to learn that my computer isn't totally shot. I've always had to hold down the power button for what I thought was an inordinate amount of time to turn my computer off. I always thought that was a problem. Today I learned it's normal. It happens to a lot of people. Its protocol. Whew.

I hate to be predictable, but I read the section about buying a personal mobile device. I thought it would be the most useful to me, and also I felt like I might be able to retain some of the information better. Thats one of the problems I have with all this newly discovered "computer language", its that I have a hard time with retention. Some of the tips I thought were pretty self-explanatory, like, think about how much you want to pay. One tip that I thought was actually pretty useful was the Compare battery life section. I'm usually irritated that my phone dies quickly, but I never thought to ask about the time that batteries hold their charge. I guess it seems pretty simple but I'd never thought to do it before.

I'm having some problems with my computer and the SAM program. I'm worried my computer might have a virus or something, because half the time I go to log in and it won't let me, and then when I do log in it will unexpectedly log me out.

As for the whole technology thing, I'm worried I'm pretty jinxed. I hope I'm wrong.

post #2

I've always been interested in Early Childhood Eduction. One of the websites I found on the course website was the I think its a really cool website for kids. It reminds me of when I was a little kid and I had a Reading Rabbit game on my computer. It's also kind of like the Leap Frog program, when learning becomes a game.
The website also has a blog section that is geared toward different age groups and different sexes that handles learning concepts differently. If a website is attuned to a very specific group of children, especially (ex. girls above 10) it makes them feel more included and helps give them a sense of belonging and community.
I am willing to admit that I had a sad, sorry understanding of MicrosoftWord. I feel like since that last class I picked up on a lot of different ways to make Word work for me. I learned how to use it more efficiently, like with the hot keys and different functions. One of the things I liked the most was on this Blog I read on the regular,, is a lot of times she will write a word and then have it crossed out. Its small, but I learned how to do it and I've always thought it was cool.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

post #1

I don't know that much about technology. I'm not stunted or anything, I can read my e-mail (although I never check it), and I can navigate basic sites, but when it comes to programing and more advanced stuff, I've never really cared to learn about it. It's just not something that impacts my life, I've always been the kid who would rather go outside and look at bugs than sit inside and watch t.v. or play with the computer.

Expectations for this course? I expect an "A". I'm a smart person and I learn things quickly. I expect to learn how to use some programs that I will probably never use, but it will look good when I'm applying for jobs. I will be able to honestly say I know how to use Excel. I expect to accrue skills necessary for a job I never expect to have... or maybe I'm just being snarly because I had to wake up much earlier than I am accustomed to.