Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Better late than never, right?

Its been a long time coming, but the results from my learning styles quiz are finally in! I am an ACTIVE LEARNER. My number was an 11 on that one, not at all moderate, nope, not me. And also, I am an INTUITIVE LEARNER. Again, an 11. But I'm moderately visual, (a 3) and a INTENSELY MODERATE Global learner (a 1). It didn't really tell me a whole lot I didn't know. I guess I didn't realize that Global/Sequential was a type of learning.

Today we learned to use the internet, which I didn't find that useful. I did learn a lot of cool stuff about the internet though. I learned the difference between web 2.0 and the origional web. I think its pretty cool to think that we've evolved from actual programs and things to having the programs be on the internet. I thought the O'Riley website had an interesting comparison between the new internet and the old internet.

I also thought it was cool that the Internet and the web were two different things back in the old days. And although I figured the internet was invented by the government to facilitate blowing stuff up/keep us from getting blown up, but I didn't realize it happened in '69. Wow. Thats early. I was surprised.

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